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Local students receive SouthGrow Agrifood Futures Scholarships

Lethbridge News Now

Jan 17, 2023

Three local post-secondary students have received agricultural scholarships.

SouthGrow Regional Economic Development and its partners have awarded three $2,500 scholarships to Agri-food students.

The scholarships were sponsored by Bruce Warkentin of MNP Ltd, Ridge Utilities, Community Futures Lethbridge Region, and the SouthGrow Regional Initiative.

This year’s recipients are:

  • Emma Knodel of Lethbridge College

  • Makayla Gross of the University of Lethbridge

  • Todd Cross Child of Red Crow College

In a news release, it was stated that the intent of the scholarship program is to raise the profile of local careers in agrifood, and encourage students to pursue careers locally.

Bruce Warkentin of MNP stated, “This is our second year sponsoring the scholarship. We firmly believe in investing in the next generation, as agriculture and agrifoods play a vital role in our future economy.”

“We look forward to this increased investment in our youth, and to SouthGrow Regional Initiative continuing this venture for many years to come,” Warkentin added.

Laurie Lyckman with SouthGrow said there are so many opportunities in the region “that we need all the bright young minds we can get.”

Scott Donselar with Ridge Utilities noted that the company was founded by the Village of Stirling “to provide Albertans with an opportunity to support a local company in the deregulated energy market, which is built to benefit Albertans.”

He added, “part of our mandate at Ridge Utilities is to invest a portion of our profits back to the communities where our customers reside through a community investment fund. We saw the opportunity to invest in the Southgrow Scholarships as an exciting way to give back to achieve our re-investment goal this past year.”

Troy Grainger with Community Futures Lethbridge Region said, “We supported the scholarship because, well, personally, that’s how I got through school. And we’re always looking to invest in our youth, and our industries.”

To continue growing the scholarship program in 2023, SouthGrow will be seeking more organizations to work with.

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